When should I seek support from a feeding specialist?


Written by Danielle Ripsam, MOT, OTR/L

When should I seek support from a feeding specialist?

Feeding challenges in children can be complex and multifaceted, often impacting not just nutrition but also family dynamics and a child’s overall development. Knowing when to seek professional support can make a significant difference in addressing these concerns effectively. Occupational therapists (OTs) and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are key professionals in feeding therapy, each bringing unique expertise to help children overcome feeding difficulties.

Signs Your Child May Benefit From Feeding Therapy

1. Persistent Picky Eating: While picky eating is common, if your child has a limited range of accepted foods (fewer than 30) or refuses entire food groups, this may indicate an underlying issue. To count how many foods your child has, think through every food that they will typically eat. This takes into account different brands and flavors of food. For example, if your child eats chicken nuggets from both McDonald’s and Wendy’s, that would count as two foods. Some food groups to think about include fruits, vegetables, starches, and proteins.

2. Difficulty with Chewing or Swallowing: Signs include coughing, choking, gagging frequently during meals, or taking an unusually long time to eat.

3. Avoidance of Certain Textures: Strong aversions to specific textures, temperatures, or consistencies that limit dietary variety. This may look like your child completely avoiding certain types of food, such as puree textures.

4. Weight Gain or Growth Concerns: Inadequate weight gain, noticeable weight loss, or falling below growth curve expectations.

5. Oral-Motor Difficulties: Trouble managing food in the mouth, drooling excessively beyond toddler years, or difficulty using utensils appropriately.

6. Behavioral Stress Around Meals: High levels of anxiety, tantrums, or distress related to eating or mealtimes. This may include frequent meltdowns, throwing of food items, or difficulty remaining seated during mealtimes.

7. Medical Conditions: History of reflux, prematurity, developmental delays, or conditions like autism spectrum disorder, which can contribute to feeding challenges.

When to Consult an Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapists (OT) focus on the sensory, motor, and behavioral components of feeding. You might seek an evaluation with an OT if your child:

● Has sensory processing issues affecting food acceptance

● Struggles with fine motor skills related to self-feeding

● Shows strong gag reflexes or oral aversions

● Exhibits difficulty transitioning between different food textures

When to Consult a Speech-Language Pathologist

Speech therapists specialize in oral-motor function, swallowing, and the mechanics of feeding. You should consider an SLP if your child:

● Has trouble chewing, swallowing, or shows signs of aspiration (coughing during meals)

● Displays weak oral muscles impacting their ability to eat effectively

● Has difficulty coordinating breathing with swallowing

● Experiences frequent respiratory infections potentially related to aspiration

How Feeding Therapy Can Help

Feeding therapy often involves a collaborative approach, with OTs and SLPs working together to address overlapping issues. At Oasis, our OTs and SLPs often use a child-led and play-based approach to help children develop skills needed to interact with new food items as they feel ready. You may see our therapists interacting with food in new and exciting ways like painting with yogurt, turning crackers into “cars”, or making music with pretzel sticks to help kids learn the skills they need to accept new foods.

Therapy may include:

● Developing oral-motor skills

● Sensory integration techniques to reduce food aversions

● Behavioral strategies to support positive mealtime experiences

● Caregiver education and mealtime coaching

Taking the First Step

If you recognize any of these signs in your child, consult your pediatrician, who can refer you to a qualified OT or SLP specializing in feeding therapy. At Oasis, our dedicated team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine if feeding therapy could benefit your child. We’re here to answer any questions you may have about feeding therapy recommendations and to help you schedule an initial evaluation. Contact us at 970-451-1234 to take the first step towards supporting your child's feeding development and overall well-being. We look forward to partnering with you on this journey


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